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The meeting was held on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at Tom Lambert's house and via conference call in. The agenda was distributed and the meeting was called to order by President Lambert at 7:05 p.m.
Directors Present: Jeff Hornacek, Rea Jackman, Tom Lambert, Kim O'NeilSecretary Kelly Rich was unable to attend this meeting and will submit the minutes from the October 14, 2009 meeting for approval at the next Board meeting. Kim O'Neil took minutes for this meeting.
The calendar year-end report is for YWPHI purposes only. The data (by category) has been used to compare income and expense from one year to the next and has been reported in the newsletter.
The fiscal year-end report is for reporting to the Internal Revenue Service only. The fiscal year is not the same as the calendar year.
The Treasurer completed and submitted Form 1120-H for 2008 (i.e., 3/1/2009 to 2/28/2010) to the Internal Revenue Service at the close of the fiscal year. The taxable income and total tax were zero.
Tom Lambert will contact the Treasurer in April to schedule and conduct the annual audit.
10 members from 2008-09 have not yet renewed for 2009-10; YWPHI mailed month-end reminder statements through year-end 2009. YWPHI mailed welcome letters to new property owners inviting them to join YWPHI.
The 2009 grant is almost complete with less than 2 days' work remaining, which will be completed in spring 2010.
The 2010 grant totals $304,830 with funding requested of $266,830 and matching funds of $38,000. The grant will continue defensible space work inside the community on an additional 50% of the parcels or approximately 140 parcels. The grant will also do fuel reduction on 82 acres outside the community on the western perimeter. It will exclude all acreage within the Highlands THP. We will need support from the membership to get property owners to participate. We will mail letters to all property owners of record later in April 2010. It will be important for everyone to complete and submit In-Kind Contribution forms so the project can meet its match requirements. The project is currently undergoing environmental and cultural compliance certification, which must be completed before any ground disturbing work can start.
YWPHI submitted a 2011 grant application for fuel reduction on Project Area YW-004 (see the Yosemite West CWPP) on February 25, 2010. The funding requested was $70,684.00 with 25% matching funds of $23,666.00 for a total of $94,350.00. The California Fire Safe Council will notify YWPHI by June 14, 2010 if the application was funded.
The Chair of the YWPHI Fire Safety Committee removed the five garbage cans of fire equipment from Ken Wall's lower deck. This equipment is now temporarily stored at John Mock's house, 7292 Buck Brush Lane. The equipment was removed because Ken Wall sold his house and escrow was closing March 31, 2010. In the short term, we will inventory, clean-up and label the equipment and temporarily relocate the equipment on Henness Circle. We will notify the community when this happens.
We need to construct a fourth hose house to permanently store this equipment on Henness Circle. Jeff Hornacek offered to look into a new hose house design and costs. [The Treasurer later informed Jeff that the cost to build the existing three hose houses was $625 each and the manufacturer was Argentino's in Fresno.]
Tom Lambert will work on the spring letter with publication planned for late April.
We discussed newsletter distribution. In recent years, the spring newsletter was mailed to all property owners of record - both members and non-members - and was largely paid for by grants because of its fire safety education components and grant updates. This spring, YWPHI will pay for the production and distribution costs not the grants. YWPHI decided this newsletter will be sent electronically to all YWPHI members, but not to non-members. (Information about the current fire safety grants will be mailed separately to all property owners of record and will be paid for by the grants.) The Treasurer said there are about 10 members for whom YWPHI does not have an email address. Rea Jackman offered to telephone these members to ask for their email address. We decided that if some members have no email nor a family member who could receive email on their behalf that YWPHI would snail mail a newsletter to them.
The clean-up will start at 9 a.m. Tom Lambert will organize volunteers with trucks. Matt Hornacek has already volunteered his truck.
The annual picnic has been held in Ken Wall's backyard, but the Walls have sold their house. Rea Jackman will call Betty Clark to ask permission for YWPHI to hold the picnic in her yard, 7486 Henness Circle. The Wall's supplied the saw horses and boards used as tables, which will no longer be available. Tom Lambert offered to make sure saw horses and boards or equivalent will be available this year.
The picnic will start at noon. Rea Jackman will organize the food, beverages and supplies. We discussed various food and beverage options. Tom Lambert made a motion to approve a $300 budget for supplies, food and beverages. Kim O'Neil seconded the motion, which passed.
The Treasurer distributed a draft of the Emergency Telephone Tree in advance of this meeting and asked for any updates, changes, or corrections. She will incorporate any information and finalize the list. She will distribute the updated list via email to homeowners only later in April. (The document will be password protected for the privacy of homeowners as it has been each year.)
Election of the District 1 Supervisor is on June 8, 2010. Kay Pitts offered to host a reception to which both the incumbent Supervisor Aborn and challenger former Supervisor Stetson will be invited. Tom Lambert said he will follow up with Kay. Tom Lambert made a motion to approve $150 for reception costs, which was seconded by Jeff Hornacek and approved.
At the 2009 annual YWPHI meeting, the membership voted to hold a new social event on the Fourth of July. We discussed various concepts and venues and agreed on a Block Party held on one of the dead end streets or cul-de-sacs. The four venue options were Buck Brush (lack of shade), Manzanita, Choke Cherry (ongoing construction), and Henness Ridge Road. Henness Ridge Road was decided as the best option. There was a suggestion to email the membership to determine interest in a new block party tradition, but we decided against this approach. Rather we will opt to identify second home owners who attended the 2009 annual meeting to assist in the party planning.
The Block Party concept will be a potluck. YWPHI will supply the barbecues and related supplies, and residents will BYOB plus a dish/something to barbecue to share. Tom Lambert made a motion for a $200 budget for the event, which was seconded by Kim O'Neil and approved.
YWPHI sent an email on behalf of YWMDAC on March 26, 2010 to inform members and property owners about two upcoming meetings - YWMDAC on Monday, April 12 at 2 p.m., and the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, April 20 at 9 a.m. - about Resolution 10-128 regarding the Lot Line Adjustment on APN 006-150-007 proposed by Yosemite Cascades, LLC.
Jeff Hornacek made additional documents available to YWPHI and YWMDAC prior to this meeting, which have not yet been distributed to members and property owners. Tom Lambert made a motion, seconded by Rea Jackman, that YWPHI will send a reminder email about the meetings. Jeff Hornacek agreed to place the latest version of Yosemite Cascades, LLC documents on a website of his own no later than April 9, so a link can be provided to the documents in the reminder email. YWPHI will not place these documents on its website.
The next board meeting is Wednesday, July 7, 2010 at 7 p.m.
The meeting ended at 8:49 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kim O'Neil for
Kelly Rich, YWPHI Secretary
![]() Copyright text © Yosemite West Property & Homeowners, Inc. 2003-2012, Copyright photographs © John Mock 2004-2012. All rights reserved. Unauthorized redistribution of this document is prohibited. Updated February 7, 2012. |