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The meeting was held at Tom Lambert's house and phone. It was called to order by President Lambert at 7:05 p.m. and the agenda was distributed.
Directors Present: Kipper Caranto, Rea Jackman, Tom Lambert, Kim O'Neil, Kelly RichMinutes from the March 31, 2010 meeting were approved with no changes.
The following 2nd-quarter Treasurer's Report was presented and approved with no changes.
The internal audit review for the fiscal year ending 2/28/2010 needs to be done prior to the annual meeting 9/5/2010.
2009 - The 2009 grant is complete. The final report was submitted to and accepted by the Fire Safe Council.
2010 - The 2010 grant totals $304,830 with funding requested of $266,830 and matching funds of $38,000. The grant will continue defensible space work inside the community on an additional 50% of the parcels or approximately 140 parcels. Work started on June 14, 2010. The grant will also do fuel reduction on 82 acres outside the community on the western perimeter. It will exclude all acreage within the Highlands THP. We are waiting for authorization from the Fire Safe Council that environmental and cultural compliance done before any ground-disturbing work can start on this acreage outside the community. We have satisfied 75% of the required match for the 2010 grant, but still need property owners to complete and submit their 2010 In-Kind Contribution forms. We still need more property owners to sign up to participate in the project. We have 91 non-participants in the program, even though all property owners on record have been contacted. Tom Lambert will attempt to contact the current non-participants by phone (or other means) to get them on board.
2011 - YWPHI was awarded a 2011 grant for $94,350 for fuel reduction on Project Area YW-004 (see the Yosemite West CWPP) on June 14, 2010. The funding requested was $70,684.00 with 25% matching funds of $23,666.00 for a total of $94,350.00. We will submit a pre-grant report is due to the Fire Safe Council no later than July 9, 2010. The Fire Safe Council received 316 grant proposals requesting $40 million; 72 projects totaling $7.2 million were selected for funding (only 23% of applications were funded).
We inventoried, cleaned, painted, labeled and returned the five garbage cans of fire equipment to the lower deck at 7476 Henness Circle. The equipment was returned to Henness Circle on June 25. We hired help for $20 to complete this project. The total cost of the project was $62.47.
Jeff Hornacek previously offered to look into a new hose house design and costs to permanently store this equipment on Henness Circle. Jeff can report on same. [The Treasurer later informed Jeff that the cost to build the existing three hose houses was $625 each and the manufacturer was Argentino's in Fresno.]
Fire cleanup is getting done earlier with each passing year. The event was originally designed for Vacation Home owners, but more and more people are getting their needles cleaned up in other ways. Make a note that people who want their needles picked up on Memorial Day should meet beforehand (on Henness Circle), and help out with team effort. If you want the team to help pick up your needles, then you should be willing to be a part of the team!
57 turned out for the picnic. There were lots of left-over goodies. While 50-60 people have attended over the past few years (57 this year), it is difficult to determine how much food to prepare. Perhaps more "good" stuff and less sugary snacks/pastries?
Potluck brunch at 10:30 a.m., Sunday September 5, 2010. Betty Clark says we can use her yard anytime.
4 Board of Directors vacancies coming up:
Tom Lambert will take over the coordination of finding YWPHI nominees (Marsha Novak or Jeff Beranek, Bill Duff might be willing. Mike Stepien. Rea says perhaps maybe Judy or Bob Yoho.
Needs to go out early August. Contains last year's minutes, Fire Safety update, bear problem, etc. Action Item: Kelly Rich will put together minutes from last year's [annual] meeting.
Kelly Rich's's house for party (Yikes!). $1,500 cap on party and gift (voted and agreed upon). Tom will talk to Beckie re Dates and Gary for the gift. Include folks at Mariposa County Public Works Department in party invitations.
Vacation owners must notify guests about bear activity and how to do proper Bear Care (BBQs, scare the bears, don't feed them, and so on). Rea will draw up and photocopy a Bear Care (for mailbox shed bulletin board and rental distribution). $50 to photocopy and distribute (voted and agreed upon).
The next board meeting is September 5, 2010 at 11:30am.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
![]() Copyright text © Yosemite West Property & Homeowners, Inc. 2003-2012, Copyright photographs © John Mock 2004-2012. All rights reserved. Unauthorized redistribution of this document is prohibited. Updated February 7, 2012. |