Yosemite West Property &
Homeowners, Inc.

YWPHI Board of Directors Meeting - July 12, 2003

The meeting was held on Saturday, July 12, 2003, at the home of Helen Yates. The meeting was called to order by President Debby Hagan at 10:05 a.m. and the agenda was distributed.

Directors Present

Debby Hagan, Kay Pitts, Carol Ruiz, and Helen Yates

Directors Absent

Sharon Haley

Guests Present

Steve Yates

The minutes from the April 5, 2003 YWPHI Board of Directors meeting was approved as amended prior to the meeting. A final version of the minutes from the October 5, 2002 Board meeting was not available. The minutes from the last annual meeting (September 1, 2002) was distributed and briefly reviewed. It was decided that the minutes of the last annual meeting would be passed out at the next annual meeting (August 31, 2003) for membership approval, in addition it will be included in the next newsletter.

The Treasurer's report was submitted in writing by Joan Ulyatt (Treasurer) and read aloud by Debby Hagan. The balance in YWPHI's bank accounts on July 12, 2003 was $11,613. Income during the last 5 months was $400 from membership dues and $11 from interest. Expenditures totaled $594 for the newsletter, bank service charges, and filing as a non profit with the California Secretary of State. The Treasurer's report for July 12, 2003 was approved by the entire Board.

The Membership report was presented by Joan Ulyatt (membership chair) in writing; there are currently 117 members in YWPHI. This is exactly the same number as last year in July.

Committee Reports


The Board requested that the following items be included in the next YWPHI newsletter, which should be mailed in August to all property owners (not just YWPHI members):

Fire Safety/Memorial Day Weekend Clean-up

Thanks to all those families who participated in the Memorial Day Weekend Clean-up, our community is better prepared for fire safety. In fact, so much vegetative debris was collected that the burn pile at Yosemite West is full and closed. Those who still have lot clean-up to perform are encouraged to do so, but the piles of debris will need to be covered with a tarp on your property until the burn pile has been activated this winter.

Special thanks are owed to the volunteers who drove trucks around our development and transported their neighbors' yard waste to the burn pile. We all appreciate the efforts of Steve Yates, Todd Yates, Neal Misener, Al Ruiz, Mitch Jonasky, and Don Pitts in helping our community.


Our website is down and we have no one to set it up again. Kay Pitts was authorized to renew our domain name again this year. We need a volunteer(s) from the YWPHI membership to set up/manage a website for the community. Anyone who is interested in helping, or who knows a qualified high school student in need of a project, should contact any Board member.

Nominations for YWPHI Board

Sharon Haley and Carol Ruiz (Nominating Committee) will be contacting members seeking volunteers to serve on the next Board of Directors for YWPHI. Terms last for three years and Board members are elected at the annual meeting (August 31, this year). We have three positions to fill; Kay Pitts will be retiring from the Board after 9 years of continuous service, and two Board members have resigned (Carol Misener and Jeff Hornacek). Anyone interested in a position is encouraged to contact Carol (209 372- 8682) or Sharon (209 372-4747).

Old Business

Yosemite West Maintenance Committee Meeting Report

Pete Ulyatt provided the Board with a brief synopsis of the last meeting on May 23, 2003 in a phone conversation with Debby. The Maintenance Committee is working on a detailed review of the financial report for our Maintenance District in order to ensure complete accounting for all monies paid by Yosemite West property owners.

Several issues concerning the sewer improvement project were discussed. The EPA grant for sewer improvements is expected to be received in late September. County personnel are still working on providing the USDA with all their requirements for the loan to revitalize the sewer. The environmental report has been tentatively approved. The County is trying to decide how to fund the 10% EDU reserve for our sewer renovations. This reserve of EDUs is intended to be available for purchase by property owners who want more than their allotted EDUs from the sewer assessment.

A discussion concerning septic tank use in Yosemite West was held. Lots in Yosemite West are too small to legally support septic tank installation; that means that septic tanks are prohibited by law in our development. In addition, perk test requirements for the area surrounding a septic tank are very difficult to meet in our rocky terrain.

A survey to identify the worst sections of our roads for repairing is due in July. Committee members have been pressing the County to conduct necessary road repairs.

The June 27 meeting was cancelled. The next Maintenance Committee meeting is scheduled for July 18, 2003 at the Wall's home.

Yosemite West CPAC Update

According to Harry Hagan (Committee Chair) the last meeting focused on outside lighting for our community. Issues discussed included use of motion sensitive lights, time limits for manually operated lights (1 hour), acceptable wattages, and commercial signs. The next meeting will be held on July 21 in Wawona; the agenda includes building intensity standards for Yosemite West such as building footprints, setbacks, and the feasibility of height restrictions. CPAC is planning on presenting the first draft of the special plan to the community on September 6 for comments.

Revisions to YWPHI Telephone Tree

Work is in progress by Kay Pitts and Helen Yates. Their goal is for the new telephone tree for emergency notification to be distributed at the next annual meeting.

New Business

Jeff Hornacek Resignation: Jeff has resigned, effective immediately, in order to spend time on the Yosemite West CPAC.

Annual Meeting: The YWPHI Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, August 31, 2003, with the brunch starting at 10:30 A.M. behind the Clark's home on Henness Circle. Harry and Debby Hagan will compose the notice for inclusion in the newsletter. Debby will call Ralph Mendershausen to obtain an update on the proposal for a nearby wilderness area which Ralph presented at last year's meeting. It was decided to ask Supervisor Lee Stetson to be the guest speaker for the meeting. Topics for the agenda include approval of last years minutes, Treasurer's report and audit, sewer update, Maintenance District issues, Yosemite West CPAC update, fire safety, new telephone tree, election of YWPHI directors, and guest speaker. The hospitality committee (Carol Ruiz and Kay Pitts) will be accepting donations for door prizes and will handle logistical support for the meeting (plates, napkins, etc.).

Silver Tip Resort, Fish Camp: The Board held a discussion concerning how the Silver Tip resort proposal is inconsistent with the Fish Camp Specific Plan. The Board objects to our County Supervisors over-ruling local, long established plans and believes this sets a very bad precedent for other communities in Mariposa County such as ours. It was unanimously agreed to send a letter to the Mariposa County Board of Supervisors voicing our concerns.

The next Board meeting will be held on Sunday, August 31, 2003, in the Clark's yard, following the YWPHI Annual Meeting and brunch. Board members should contact Debby as soon as possible if they can not attend. All members are welcome.

The meeting was adjourned by President Hagan at approximately 12:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Deborah O. Hagan
YWPHI President and Acting Secretary

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Copyright text © Yosemite West Property & Homeowners, Inc. 2003-2012, Copyright photographs © John Mock 2004-2012.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized redistribution of this document is prohibited. Updated February 7, 2012.