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The 2003 annual meeting was held on Sunday, August 31, 2003, in John and Betty Clark's yard. A pot-luck brunch was served at 10:30 a.m., and the annual meeting was called to order by President Debby Hagan at 11:40 a.m. Handouts were given to all present and included the Meeting Agenda, the Annual Treasurer's and Membership Report, results of the Treasury Audit, the Minutes from the 2002 Annual Meeting, a copy of a letter from YWPHI to the Mariposa County Board of Supervisors which objected to the Silver Tip Resort proposal in Fish Camp, and drafts of the Yosemite West Emergency Telephone Tree. Following adjournment of the meeting at 1:00 p.m., door prizes were distributed. Approximately 22 people attended the meeting. These minutes reflect issues/presentations in the order in which they were discussed.
President Debby Hagan called the meeting to order, handed out supplemental information sheets concerning items on the agenda, and began the meeting by having all those present introduce themselves.
The minutes from the last annual meeting on September 1, 2002 were approved.
The Treasurer's Report (prepared by Joan Ulyatt and presented by Debby Hagan) showed that the beginning balance for all YWPHI accounts on September 1, 2002 was $9776, and the ending balance on August 31, 2003 was $11,684. This ending balance included $525 for membership dues for the 2003-04 fiscal year which were turned in just before the annual meeting. Without these early dues, the final balance would have been $11,159. Expenditures by YWPHI included newsletter mailings ($1,401), miscellaneous items ($56), and bank service charges ($60). Income was generated from membership dues ($3,400) and interest ($25). The Financial Report for 2002/2003 was approved.
As membership chair, Joan Ulyatt also reported that YWPHI had 118 members during the 2002/2003 fiscal year. Membership was unchanged from the previous year. Membership payments ($25) are due now for the September 2003 to September 2004 year. All membership forms and payments should be mailed to Joan Ulyatt (membership chair and treasurer).
Last year an audit was performed by Debby Hagan which covered the period from October 22, 2001 through January 17, 2003. Debby reported that our accounts and the documentation are perfectly organized and that no irregularities were found. Another audit will be conducted this year.
Thanks were expressed for Harry Hagan's efforts in producing the newsletter for the last 5 years. Anyone wishing to contribute articles for inclusion in the newsletter is encouraged to contact Harry.
Fire Safety Chair, Harry Hagan, expressed thanks to the National Park Service (NPS) and specifically to NPS personnel, Tom Nickels and Dan Buckley, for their efforts to aid Yosemite West with fuel reduction on Park property adjacent to our community. Last year the NPS performed a fuel reduction program on Park property bordering Henness Circle. The NPS has plans to fund a fire safety study (by a consultant) for Yosemite West in order to determine how we can become a more fire-safe community. A question was raised concerning whether fire safety would be incorporated into the Yosemite West Specific Plan. This will be discussed at a YWPAC meeting.
Our website is down and we need a volunteer to set it up and maintain it.
Don Pitts (Yosemite West Maintenance Advisory Committee Member) presented a summary of the sewer improvement plan and voting procedure. The USDA has approved a loan for the Rural Urban Sewer Treatment (RUST). Bids for the sewer improvements should be received by the County in November. Property owners will be assessed for the sewer improvements commensurate with their benefit, and will receive ballots in the mail. According to proposition 218, each property owner at Yosemite West will vote for or against the proposed sewer improvements based upon their benefit assessment (EDUs). A meeting will be held in which property owners can contest their monetary assessments. If the majority of votes cast approve the improvements, the County will proceed with fixing our sewer. Assessments may be paid in full or added as a lien on the property. The life of the loan necessary to fund most of the sewer project is approximately 40 years.
Harry Hagan made a few statements concerning issues facing this committee. YWPAC is continuing to develop a Special Plan for Yosemite West which should complement the new County General Plan (in progress). The Planning Advisory Committee consists of 7 Yosemite West property owners, and is aided by personnel from the Mariposa County planning department. Before a plan can be adopted for Yosemite West, public meetings will be held so that all community members will be able to comment. The first public meeting is scheduled for September 6, 2003 at 10 a.m. in Mariposa. Some of the issues which are being addressed include home building footprints, the number of rentals allowed per person, outside lighting, parking, and rental check-in facilities.
Kay Pitts gave a brief presentation concerning the Yosemite West Telephone Tree which she and Helen Yates have updated. Some draft copies were distributed for residents to check. Final copies will be delivered to those residents in charge of calling neighbors during emergencies.
Kay Pitts reported that Ralph Mendershausen had not provided an update concerning the proposed wilderness designation for the South Fork of the Merced River. Ralph spoke to us at the Annual meeting last year on this issue.
A mountain lion had been sighted in the community.
President Debby Hagan sent a letter to the Mariposa County Board of Supervisors dated August 15, 2003, concerning the Silver Tip Resort proposal for Fish Camp. In this missive, the objections of YWPHI to the development were explained. Portions of the letter were read aloud, and copies were distributed to those interested in the details. No member present disapproved of the position taken by our Board.
The highest priority issues for the coming year include fire safety, support for infrastructure improvements, and developing a usable website. Members proposed two additional items for the Board to address. The first requested that the map next to the mailbox shed be changed, and the second asked that a gate at the end of Henness Ridge Road be replaced.
We began last year with seven Board members. Debby Hagan, Sharon Haley, Carol Ruiz, and Helen Yates will continue their terms for the coming year, while Kay Pitts, Carol Misener, and Jeff Hornacek have left. The contributions of all Board members are greatly appreciated and are necessary to help Yosemite West maintain the character that brought us here. Special thanks were expressed for Kay Pitts's service to the community; she is retiring from the Board after 9 continuous years of active participation, several of which as president.
The nominating committee (Sharon Haley and Carol Ruiz) presented three members for consideration to fill the open positions on the Board. Each elected Board member serves for a three-year term. The nominees were Larry Anstead, Grace Bartel, and Linda Andrews. A request for nominations from the floor was made. No nominations from the floor were received, nominations were closed, and Larry Anstead, Grace Bartel, and Linda Andrews were all elected by voice vote of all members present.
Next year's annual meeting will be held on Sunday, September 5, 2004. We will continue to hold these meetings on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend.
The meeting was adjourned by President Debby Hagan at 1:00 p.m. A lottery was held to distribute door prizes to those present, and the new YWPHI Board held their first meeting immediately afterward.
![]() Copyright text © Yosemite West Property & Homeowners, Inc. 2003-2012, Copyright photographs © John Mock 2004-2012. All rights reserved. Unauthorized redistribution of this document is prohibited. Updated February 7, 2012. |