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The meeting was held on Saturday, November 6, 2004 at the home of Grace Bartel. The meeting was called to order by President Debby Hagan at 10:15 a.m. and the agenda and November 6, 2004 Treasurer's report were distributed.
Debby Hagen, Kim O'Neil, Larry Anstead and Grace Bartel
Carol Ruiz, Helen Yates
John Mock
The minutes from the July 10, 2004 and September 5, 2004 meetings were approved. The Treasurer's and Membership report of November 6, 2004 were also approved.
Editor Kim O'Neil requested input about the frequency of distributing the newsletter. The only specific distribution is before the annual meeting in September. The choice of other dates is at the discretion of the editor when there is news that needs to be made available to the membership. There was discussion about the need for a formal turn over of the newsletter responsibilities from Harry Hagan to Kim O'Neil. It was suggested that Kim prepare a survey for the membership to determine whether they prefer receiving a hard copy vs. e-mail copy of the newsletter. A suggestion was made to give the newsletter a "new look" with an additional name and new format. After discussion, a final vote was postponed until the next meeting.
John Mock gave a brief report of the September 25, 2004 Yosemite West Fire Meeting sponsored by the National Park Service in conjunction with its consultants, the Wildland Fire Associates of Rangely, Colorado. Their goal is to help the residents of Yosemite West make the community a "Fire Wise Community". The complete report of the meeting is on the Website, www.yosemitewest.org under the "Fire" link. John also reported that the metal boxes that have been constructed to house the fire hoses have been completed. These boxes and the fire equipment that they will hold have been purchased by YWPHI (your dues at work). The exact locations for the placement of the boxes are still being reviewed. There is now a map of the existing fire hydrant locations on the website. An inventory of all of the hydrants is being done and issues addressed to keep them in working order.
The park service will be willing to support us in our project to obtain a grant for work that needs to be done in and around our community to work toward the "Fire Wise" status, but they will not write the grant. John has agreed to take the project on. He will be attending a workshop for grant writing in San Jose on November 9, 2004, and the board passed a motion to reimburse him for the expenses incurred (estimated around $15.00.). The deadline for the "concept paper" for the grant is February 2, 2005. The board passed a motion accepting the following requests to be included in the grant proposal:
Several YWPHI members have made excellent recommendations to the Fire Safety Committee to purchase items to increase our safety (eg.sirens). All of these suggestions will be addressed in a comprehensive fire plan for Yosemite West. The Board would like to encourage all residents to remove dirt and debris (including snow) build-ups from around fire hydrants.
Kim O'Neil, the webmaster, reported that this is the one year anniversary of the website. She has added a new section, "What's new" for quick reference.. She also distributed copies of the Activity Report with usage statistics. There is also a new form available for persons wanting to join YWPHI. Kim again encouraged us all to submit information to her for the site.
Automatic e-group access will now be given to YMPHI members who have submitted an e-mail address with their membership dues. This service is intended for discussion of Yosemite West-related issues by our membership.
We need one more board member to complete the board, and we were all encouraged to find someone willing to serve.
Helen Yates and Carol Ruiz were absent so there was no report from the hospitality committee. There was discussion of the possibility of a Holiday Home Tour on December 12. The committee plans to meet in the next week to finalize the plans for the tour.
There was no report from the Maintenance Committee. Kim reminded us that the minutes of the October 22, 2004 Maintenance meeting are on the website. Since the rainy season has hit it is uncertain if the sewer upgrade will be complete this fall.
It was suggested by Debby Hagan that the board should consider whether or not to get involved with the problem of the water quality in Yosemite West. After discussion it was decided to postpone any specific action until another meeting.
The next meeting is scheduled for December 13, 2004. The draft plan is with the County attorney and the committee is awaiting his recommendations.
The new Yosemite West map for Guests has been given to Ken Wall and he will be installing the sign with the help of volunteers. Clean up in the area continues to be a problem. It was suggested that in the spring a sign up sheet will be put up in the mailbox shed for volunteers to sign up to clean the shed for a month. The mail delivery man has informally suggested that he could use another locker for packages.
The level of interaction between the bears and humans in the area continues to increase. Kim will contact Kay Pitts, the representative of the Bed and Breakfast and Rental Property Owners group, to work with her on wording for information to be given to guests and to be posted inside the mailbox shed.
Kay Pitts has agreed to help update the Telephone Tree. Kim O'Neil volunteered to do a final format on the project when the data is complete. It was requested that complete phone numbers be used, including the 372 prefix.
Report any changes to Debby Hagan.
Any ideas to improve the annual meeting are encouraged and will be discussed at a future meeting.
The next meeting will be held at Debby Hagan's home. The date has not been determined.
The meeting was adjourned by President Hagan at approximately 1:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Grace Bartel, Secretary
![]() Copyright text © Yosemite West Property & Homeowners, Inc. 2003-2012, Copyright photographs © John Mock 2004-2012. All rights reserved. Unauthorized redistribution of this document is prohibited. Updated February 7, 2012. |