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The meeting was called to order by President Tom Lambert at 7:11 p.m. The agenda was distributed in advance.
Directors Present: Jeff Hornacek, Kim O'Neil, Rea Jackman, Tom LambertTom Lambert motioned to accept and approve the April 5, 2008 and March 31, 2009 minutes. Jeff Hornacek seconded the motion. The Board voted to approve the minutes. Kim O'Neil will post them on the web site.
Jeff Hornacek agreed to prepare a draft of the minutes for the August 31, 2008 annual meeting, and send them to Kim O'Neil to format for inclusion in the next newsletter being sent to the YWPHI membership in early August, approximately one month in advance of this year's annual meeting on September 6, 2009.
Kim O'Neil submitted the 2nd quarter 2009 (4/1/2009 to 6/30/2009) Treasurer's Report.
The Balance Sheet shows total assets of $9,875.57, which included:The State of California's Department of Justice, Registry of Charitable Trusts office, sent a letter to YWPHI dated June 26, 2009 letter stating that YWPHI is required to file Form RRF-1. This requirement came into effect in 2004. On June 29, 2009, YWPHI Treasurer sent their office the completed Form RRF-1 for the six fiscal years (which run March 1 to February 28) since 2004. YWPHI records do not indicate ever having been asked to file this form before receipt of this letter.
John Mock reported that the Yosemite West Defensible Space Project has met all environmental and cultural compliance with state and federal laws. The USDA Forest Service has transferred all funds to the California Fire Safe Council, which means work on the ground can start. John Mock is meeting with the contractor on July 11, 2009 to finalize the contractor's agreement and set a start date for the project, which will be announced to the community next week.
Tom Lambert reported that this year's cleanup went smoothly. There was less material taken to the burn pile, and even with fewer trucks and volunteers, the work was done earlier in the day. Tom thought more people transported pine needles the week before Memorial Day Weekend.
The YWPHI-sponsored picnic cost approximately $5.50 per person for the 50 attendees. This picnic attendance was the largest ever and we overspent our food budget by $73. The Board agreed to vote on a revised budget for next year's picnic at the Spring 2010 meeting to better match expected attendance.
Tom Lambert gave a summary of the June 24 public meeting held at the proposed site for the park's EEC. The Board agreed that YWPHI's role about this and other similar projects is to disseminate information rather than taking any position about project(s). YWPHI posted a link to the NPS website's EEC page on its website, sent an email reminder to its membership about the June 24 public meeting, and reminded people that the public review and comment period is open until July 15, 2009.
Jeff Hornacek presented a new option to add free-standing, front-loading mailboxes for an estimated cost of $1750. The "Cluster Box Units" come in four types varying from eight to sixteen boxes. The Board agreed to add this topic to the agenda for the annual meeting.
Jeff also mentioned that our postal carrier has commented on the need for increased security at the mailbox shed (ie, adding a locked gate/door to the shed that would limit public access). Kim O'Neil mentioned that Ken Wall has already prepared two design options to better protect the mailboxes. The Board agreed to pursue a solution to the security issue that will also allow for bulletin board access.
Rea Jackman will ask Betty Clark for permission to use her yard for the meeting on September 6, 2009. The Board discussed proposed agenda items; Kim O'Neil will draft the agenda and distribute it for Board comment before Tom Lambert includes it in the newsletter for distribution. The Hospitality Committee (Rea Jackman) will purchase plates, napkins, utensils, beverages, etc. for the meeting, estimating approximately 30 to 35 participants.
Tom Lambert will prepare the next issue of the newsletter for publication in early August. The content will include:
Tom Lambert made a motion, which Jeff Hornacek seconded and the Board approved, to gather ideas about organizational goals via a suggestion box at the annual meeting, the newsletter, and also directed email to the membership.
The next Board meeting is September 6, 2009 following the YWPHI annual meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Kim O'Neil for Kelly Rich
![]() Copyright text © Yosemite West Property & Homeowners, Inc. 2003-2012, Copyright photographs © John Mock 2004-2012. All rights reserved. Unauthorized redistribution of this document is prohibited. Updated February 7, 2012. |