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The meeting was called to order by President Lambert at 7:05 p.m. and the agenda was distributed.
Directors Present: Kipper Caranto (phone), Rea Jackman, Tom Lambert, Kim O'Neil, Kelly Rich (phone), Jeff HornacekThe Balance Sheet shows total assets of $11,911.36, which included:
The Profit & Loss statement shows a net income of $2,055.79:
The Itemized Expenses included:
Increase of 28 members from previous membership year (compares with 96 in 2007/08, 98 in 2006/07, and 113 in 2005/06).
E-statement reminders sent to members on 9/30/2009.
We successfully completed all of the on-the-ground work for our 2009 defensible space grant on October 8, 2009. The project's goal was to conduct fuel reduction on approximately 30% of the 293 parcels or 90 parcels (ie, 30% of the 109 acres or 36 acres) in Yosemite West. We exceeded the goal by treating 101 parcels (58 houses and 43 vacant lots) on approximately 37 acres. We estimate the project cut and chipped 1330 tons of fuel. (We had a waiting list of 33 parcels, which will be rolled over to the 2010 grant; see below.)
To further measure the success of the project, the Mariposa County Fire Department will be preparing a Red Zone fire risk assessment of all houses in Yosemite West. We expect this final task to be completed in November 2009.
YWPHI paid the five-person crew a total of $2,500 in bonuses for successful on-time and on-budget completion of this project. The YWPHI membership approved the payment of bonuses at the September 6, 2009 annual meeting.
YWPHI has been awarded more than $312,000 in funding provided by a new National Fire Plan grant from the U.S.D.A. Forest Service through the California Fire Safe Council (FSC). This grant is the fourth grant awarded to YWPHI; the four grant awards total more than $445,000. The 2010 grant will continue defensible space work within the community and conduct fuel reduction on private property adjacent to Yosemite West's western boundary according to guidelines in the CWPP.
The Project Administrative Contact attended a mandatory pre-award workshop in August 2009. The FSC is preparing the grant agreements, which we expect to receive and sign before year end.
The YWPHI membership approved a maximum of $600 for defensible space clearance on the corner of Henness Ridge Road by the mailbox shed. The crew conducted this work on October 8, 2009. YWPHI paid $585 for this fuel reduction.
In September 2009, CalFire arranged for and supervised an inmate crew to clear vegetation along roads in Yosemite West. The crew used the lop-and-scatter method to dispose of the vegetation rather than a chipper. Our crew unfortunately discovered that the CalFire crew had dumped a sizable amount of vegetation behind the mailbox shed. Our crew first removed and chipped all this vegetation and then removed some ladder fuels from this area.
The scope of the clearance was limited by available time and money. A crew could easily spend a few more days working in this area.
YWPHI purchased"Fire Hose" signs for the fire hose houses to replace the original signs that were peeling off. The new signs are reflective with larger lettering. YWPHI paid $74.25 for the signs.
$1,700-1,800 total cost for 12 new locking mailboxes plus new rail.
Motion made to have new boxes pay for additional rail too.
$150 deposit for those who want a box? Decided to wait.
Will modify the rack that is currently there and add another rail to add more boxes.
Motion to spend money on Type 2 box, greatest number of mail boxes. Unanimously approved.
A new bulletin board is needed = $45, unanimously approved.
December 26th is the party.
The next board meeting is July 7, 2010 at 7 pm.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
![]() Copyright text © Yosemite West Property & Homeowners, Inc. 2003-2012, Copyright photographs © John Mock 2004-2012. All rights reserved. Unauthorized redistribution of this document is prohibited. Updated February 7, 2012. |