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YWPHI has been awarded $14,040 provided by a State Fire Assistance grant from the U.S.D.A. Forest Service through the California Fire Safe Council (CFSC). The project is funded via the Cooperative Forestry Assistance, CFDA #10.664. The basis for this funding is for the support or stimulation of a public purpose under the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1978, PL 95-313. 92 Stat. 365, 15 U.S.C. 2101-2114 as amended.
Funding is provided by a grant from the Cooperative Fire Program of the U.S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, Pacific Southwest Region, through the California Fire Safe Council.
The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as repesenting the opinions or policies of the California Fire Safe Council, U.S. Forest Service or the U.S. Government. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute their endorsement by the California Fire Safe Council or the U.S. Government.
In acordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Grant Number | Total Project Cost | Funding Awarded | Matching Funds Provided | % of Match to Total Project Cost | Project Name | Project Goals |
14USFS-SFA0031 | $14,040 | $7,020 | $7,020 | 50% | Yosemite West Defensible Space Project Area YW-001 |
Create defensible space on 4 acres in two areas:
The project area was identified by fire scientists in the Yosemite West Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP, approved in 2008) as Project Area 001 - the area with the highest priority for fuels treatment out of the six numbered Project Areas. Much of Project Area 001 was treated with funding from a 2006 National Fire Plan grant. However, the 2006 grant was only partially funded, so some acreage including the above-mentioned County-owned parcel was excluded from that grant. Although it is a small project, it is an important one. The outcome of the project will create defensible space for County-owned property on the parcel.
The project will remove ladder fuels up to 8 inches dbh, reduce flammable shrubs and limb branches up to 12 feet, and fell dead trees (of any dbh). Cut material will be chipped and distributed over the ground to prevent erosion. Large logs will be left on site in ful contact with the ground.
The balance of match will be met by volunteers doing various tasks on organized work days, and the County tracking any and all time spent on this project.
Date | Timeline |
September 2013 | YWPHI prepares and submits application to the CFSC after approval by YWPHI membership at their annual meeting on Labor Day weekend, and after consultation with County Fire Dept. and Office of Emergency Service (OES). |
December 2013 | CFSC informs YWPHI of preliminary funding of grant award, and YWPHI informs County Fire Dept. and OES of successful application. |
January 2014 | YWPHI receives grant award, prepares and submits Grantee Pre-Award Report to the CFSC. |
April 2014 | CFSC holds mandatory pre-award workshop for grantees. |
May 2014 | YWPHI and fiscal sponsor sign CFSC Sub-Award Agreement. |
May 2014 | Community informed about grant at YWPHI annual Memorial Day Weekend picnic. |
June 2014 | CFSC informs YWPHI that the project meets all federal environmental compliance and authorizes CFSC to release funding to fiscal sponsor. |
June 2014 | CFSC authorizes release of funding to the project's fiscal sponsor, which enables implementation of on-the-ground work to start once funds are received. Fiscal sponsor releases Request for Bid. |
June 2014 | YWPHI presents project status at Yosemite West District Advisory Committee meeting. |
June 2014 | YWPHI plans and holds three community volunteer work days. |
August 2014 | Community informed about grant at YWPHI annual meeting. |
November 2014 | YWPHI plans and holds one community volunteer work day. |
January 2015 | YWPHI plans and holds three community volunteer work days. Contractor spends four days doing fuel reduction and chipping. |
March 2015 | YWPHI presents project update at Yosemite West District Advisory Committee meeting. |
May 2015 | YWPHI plans and holds three volunteer work days. YWPHI sponsors chipping day in cooperation with the Mariposa County Fire Safe Council, and chips additional debris on parcel. |
June 2015 | Project succeeds with more than 130 hours of volunteer time contributed as in-kind match, administrative tasks cconclude, and grant closes. |
![]() Copyright text © Yosemite West Property & Homeowners, Inc. 2003-2017. Copyright photographs © John Mock 2004-2017. All rights reserved. Unauthorized redistribution of this document is prohibited. Updated December 28, 2016. |