Yosemite West Property &
Homeowners, Inc.

YWPHI Annual YWPHI Meeting - September 6, 2009

The meeting was held on Sunday, September 6, 2009 at the home of Betty Clark on Henness Circle in Yosemite West.

The meeting was called to order by President Tom Lambert at 11:30 a.m. and the agenda was distributed.


Directors Present: Jeff Hornacek, Rea Jackman, Tom Lambert, Kim O'Neil and Kelly Rich
Directors Absent: Jim Andrews and Todd Caranto
Committee Chairs Present: John Mock

I. Minutes Approval

Minutes from the July 8, 2009 meeting were approved with no changes.

II. Treasurer's Report

The 2nd quarter treasurer's report was presented and approved at the July 8, 2009 meeting and the 3rd quarter has not yet ended, so no treasurer's report was given.

2008/2009 Membership Report: 124

(A 20% increase over the previous year: 2007/08=96, 2006/07=98, 2005/06=113)

A question about PayPal being incorporated into the YWPHI website. No, not yet.

III. Committee Reports

A. Fire Safety

Brief from the Fire Czar, John Mock, Chair of the Fire Safety Committee. John has been able to get increased money from grants. The goal: "Reduce the fuels before you smell the smoke." Crews will be chipping. Chipper broadcasts ladder fuels back onto the lots that are being treated. This is an "owner-participatory" program - owners must agree to participate in order to get a benefit. Not addressed: Dead & down wood, only "ladder fuels" addressed. Whatever the crews cut or what homeowners cut and pile on curb. Projected completion date: October 7, 2009. Take pictures so before and after images of progress can be made available once the project has been completed. Mariposa County Fire Department will conduct a Red Zone Risk Assessment will be assessed once project is completed. Goal was 90 parcels, 97 number targeted: " 54 have been completed " 14 in progress " 29 not yet addressed, but still on the list

B. Yosemite West Maintenance District Advisory Committee

Trucks taking water out of hydrants: The County has given the go-ahead to the Glacier Point construction crews. Eagle Peak Rock and Paving company is taking the water. Public-works are paying $18.10/gallon. The funds then go into the Yosemite West Maintenance District. They are using about 5-10k gallons of water/day. Ken Wall: Since we use the Park's Hwy (41), we're doing a neighborly "favor." Project goes through next fall.

IV. Business Items

A. Yosemite Institute

Yosemite Institute had an open campus. The event was not well attended. Comment period ends July 15 (or so). Whole document is available online and bids are coming in on preliminary design. Area around where the old sand lot, only one or two buildings should be visible from road. A second "egress" must be built. Decision has not been made with regards to which location to use, but the Yosemite West location is the "preferred" location vs. Crane Flat. Comments on alternative plans will be taken through mid-summer. Comments are to be posted in December (or so). Betty Clark: Please ask Park Service to do something about the intersection into Yosemite West. Although the official comment period is closed, they might consider comments made about the turn onto Henness Ridge Road from Hwy. 41. A fire station is part of the plan, but not year-round, so it will not affect insurance.

For more information, see the following sites:

B. Mail Boxes

Suggestions and requests: Jeff Hornacek: A couple different ideas, $1750 with free help. The boxes will be free-standing, front-loader boxes. They will be in the elements at a cost of a couple hundred per box. Mail-station is now full, but anybody is allotted a box, if they want to install it themselves. Rural mailbox rack is currently full. Possibly install a third rail to accommodate new boxes.

C. Board of Directors

Board has no vacancies.

Vote on officers: Terms are three years, so no vacancies just now.

D. Quick votes:

Asking for suggestions from community members.

1) Build a fourth fire hose house (or two?) so we move them out of the garbage cans on Ken Wall's deck: Yes.
2) Rent dumpsters so folks can provide for big household cleanup: Non-priority.
3) Bulletin board in Mail Shed: Yes to add two new boards.
4) Updating Information Station map: Popular. (Ask for contribution from those that benefit.)
5) Old-fashion 4th of July block party: reasonable interest.
6) Some sort of deterrent to having folks use behind the mail boxes as make-shift restroom. Perhaps a sign?
7) Home Address Signage - Consistent, numeric signs are supposed to be reflective.
We should get a note from CalFire regarding the inspection process, perhaps the signage will be part of the inspection. Numbers must be 3", reflective, and visible from road.
8) Should YWPHI purchase rarely used tools (for example, extra-long ladders)? No, too hard to manage.
9) Tax-exempt status for YWPHI
YWPHI is a registered nonprofit organization with the State of California, but is not federally exempt from income taxes. The Treasurer asked the membership whether YWPHI should pursue the process of becoming federally tax exempt. The membership suggested the Board review this subject further at the next Board meeting. 10) Gift certificate for the treasure's hard work. Yes. 11) Chipping crew: Kim O'Neil asks for a bonus for the five-man crew: $2,500 bonus upon completion of task. Bonus: Leave it up to the Board to decide monetary amount. Bonus: Yes, unanimous $2,500 bonus.
12) New mailbox cluster: 30-50% profit overall, but YWPHI will front the costs. Up to $2,000 to front for mailboxes, to be recouped.

Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Rich
YWPHI Secretary

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Copyright text © Yosemite West Property & Homeowners, Inc. 2003-2012, Copyright photographs © John Mock 2004-2012.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized redistribution of this document is prohibited. Updated February 7, 2012.